Get involved with Project MFG!

International Machining Competitions

Project MFG has partnered with Haas Automation to execute International Competitions to challenge the trade skills on a larger platform and advance the knowledge of the skills needed in the manufacturing industry worldwide. 


Project MFG Competitions are specifically designed to: 

  • Reflect the modern manufacturing shop floor 
  • Achieve strategic targeting and activities 
  • Surpass global industry standards 
  • Identify and highlight personal and team characteristics required for 21st-century success 
  • Create something different to spark new conversations and outcomes 


Project MFG events are experienced live by thousands of competitors and outreach event participants annually, through social media, as well as the hit reality competition series Clash of Trades. 

This year's Competition

Nov 4 - 8, 2024 - LYCEEs PAUL CORNU

Lisieux, France

Project MFG’s International Machining Competitions are designed to exted our reach in Promoting, Accelerating, and Elevating the trades world-wide. Our competitions test problem-solving skills, technological aptitudes, and teamwork needed in the next generation of workers.

Educational institutions build pride in their programs, companies gain a more consistent flow of highly-qualified workers, and communities gain more stability and greater economic prosperity. 

Interested in participating?

Are you interested in hosting or competiting in a Project MFG international competition? 

If you have any questions please email us at:

Project MFG Competitions are based on the design, manufacturing, assembly, and testing of a “product” by teams of multi-disciplinary specialists. It is a tournament-style event in which teams of students compete against one another to complete a trade project.

The Competition Playbook
outlines the following:

  • Competition Rules
  • Competitor Requirements
  • Eligibility
  • Reasons for Disqualification
  • Safety
  • Required PPE
  • Performance Evaluation

Past Competitions

April 8-12, 2024 - Portugal

6 schools participated

  • Roskilde Tekniske Skole

  • TTK University of Applied Sciences


  • VOS & SPS Strakonice

  • Vilnius College of Technologies & Design

  • Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Metalurgica e Metalomecanica

Oliveria De Azemeis, Portugal — On April 8th throuth 12th, six schools from various European regions gathered at the Gene Haas Center for Manufacturing Skills, Training, and Innovation in Portugal for Project MFG’s International Machining Competition. The air was filled with the sound of machines humming and the smell of metal shavings, creating an atmosphere of innovation and craftsmanship.

Throughout this 3-day competition, the environment was electric with the spirit of friendly competition driving the participants to excel and innovate. 

The event not only tested their technical skills but also their teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and time management. All 6 teams did an outstanding job working tirelessly and showcasing their skills in precision machining and their ability to push their boundaries and work hard.

Pictures from last Season


If you have any questions email
or call (816) 200-2610 during regular business hours of 8:00am-5:00pm U.S. central time.

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