National Machining League Competition Series

Registration open August 14 - October 1, 2024

Registration is FREE! There is no cost to schools or students!
All necessary materials will be provided by Project MFG.
Individual High-School Level Competition (3 students per school)
(Students must NOT be registered for the Advanced Manufacturing Series)

Competition Rules

National Machining League is a high-school level individual competition testing CNC/Machining skills up to 3-axis surfacing. Schools can submit up to 3 students to individually compete and challenge each student’s ability to think critically, manage resources, and demonstrate skill and competency in machining.

This competition consists of a qualifying round project where the top individuals will be invited to compete in a National Championship for a chance to win $10,000!

Project MFG Competitions are based on the design, manufacturing, assembly, and testing of a “product” through a competition platform in which individual students compete against one another to complete a trade project.

The National Machining League Competition Playbook
outlines the following:

  • Competition Rules
  • Competitor Requirements
  • Eligibility
  • Reasons for Disqualification
  • Safety
  • Required PPE
  • Performance Evaluation

Important Dates for the 2024-25
National Machining League (NML) Competition Series

Qualifying Round

Qualifying Round: Qualifying rounds of competition are hosted remotely at the student’s school and facilitated by their instructor.

Starting October 18 2024, you will receive NML “kits” to fabricate a project at their school. Project photos will be submitted and judged on the online platform due on November 18 2024. 

October 2024

National Championship

National Championship: Top National Machining League competitors will be invited to compete in a live, in-person competition at the National Championship with no cost to the school.

The top National Machining League competitors are eligible to win $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place, and $2,500 for third place!

March 2025


If you have any questions email
or call (816) 200-2610 during regular business hours of 8:00am-5:00pm U.S. central time.

Download the Sponsorship Deck