Get involved with Project MFG!

Additive Manufacturing


The Challenge

Project MFGTM is an organization dedicated to elevating the next generation of highly skilled trade professionals by changing mindsets, fostering community involvement and providing a pathway to teaching the critical skills needed to succeed in modern advanced manufacturing.

Through a skills based competition series designed to inspire “moments that spark a movement” and restore America’s industrial base, Project MFG competitions demonstrate problem-solving abilities and technological aptitudes needed to build the next generation of skilled machinists, welders, programmers, mechanics, and fabricators.  



Competitors must be enrolled in a school and/or trade training program in one of the following areas:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Precision Machining
  • CNC Programing (CAD/CAM)
  • Welding
  • Measurement science (CMM)
  • Fabrication
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Industry/Digital 4.0

Competitors must be a currently enrolled student at one of the following institutions:

  • High school
  • Community college, Trade school, or similar Career Technical Education program
  • Some 4-year universities or Apprenticeship programs will qualify as well.


An instructor/sponsor may only sponsor 1 team per competition series.


Competitors must adhere to the safety requirements of their respective school or location. A list of the minimum safety requirements is provided below. Should any safety questions arise or issues encountered, stop work and seek further guidance from your instructor, site supervisor, or competition coordinator.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  • Wrist, hand jewelry, and any loose neck jewelry or loose clothing are not allowed. 
  • Long hair must be adequately restrained around rotating machinery.
  • Protective clothing, safety glasses, and protective footwear must be worn at all times in the competition area or any area where machine tools are present. 
  • Any person not properly equipped with PPE may not enter the competition area. They must move to designated public areas and are not permitted to enter the competition area.

Competition Rules

General Rules:

  • To participate, each Competitor must complete the required waivers and releases. 
  • Scores are calculated based on the scoring scheme outlined in this document with specific details provided at the competition.
  • Competitors are to be ranked on competition performance from best performance (highest overall score) to worst performance (lowest overall score).
  • Project MFG leadership reserves the right to remove anyone from the competition for, but not limited to, unprofessional behavior, cheating, etc. 
  • Project MFG leadership reserves the right to alter events and/or rules prior to, or during the competition and makes best efforts to notify all members of any changes.
  • In-person events: Instructors are NOT allowed in the competition areas and are NOT allowed to talk about the project with the student during the competition.

Competitor Requirements:

  • Each competition has technically qualified individuals.
  • Current students of a trade training program or high school  


  • If a Competitor is determined to be using unsafe practices that could cause harm to themselves, others, or the equipment, they may be disqualified.
  • Violation of any rule may result in disqualification from the competition.

Project MFG reserves final authority for all rulings and rules interpretations.

Performance Evaluation

Project MFG will coordinate subject matter experts to evaluate and score competing teams’ projects. Project MFG competitions are referenced to recognized industry skills requirements and certifications. Preparation for, and competing in, Project MFG competitions provides practical experience against these requirements as a means to help accelerate competitors in their industry jobs and in gaining certifications.

The assessment of knowledge, skills, and abilities will be judged by the execution of a functional project. Written theory tests are not included in the competition although some detailed drawings and inspection results may have to be produced during the competition and submitted for scoring.

The scoring rubric assesses skills identified in the industry certifications and reflects performance against them as comprehensively as possible within the constraints of a controlled competition.

Download the Sponsorship Deck