Are you thinking about starting a career in the skilled trades or transitioning and wondering, “How do I know if the skilled trades are right for me?” Well, that’s a tricky question! It’s not whether skilled trades are right for you, but rather, which skilled trade is right for you.

In all seriousness, we believe that there is a job in the trades for anyone. However, there are several things to consider when deciding the right career path for you. We hope that you read on and that this article helps. We also really hope you choose to pursue a career in the trades and help be a part of the movement to revolutionize American manufacturing.

Learn about the Industry

The skilled trades refer to jobs that require a specialized skill and often include working with your hands, rather than your average 9-5 desk job. Skilled Trades is a broad term that applies to many different jobs across several types of categories.

The categories of skilled trade jobs include:

Self assess what you find important in a career

Read through our list below and ask yourself these questions to help you better understand if your career goals align with the day-to-day operations of the field

  • Do you find job security to be important?
    • Something to take note of is that the demand for skilled trade professionals is on a rapid incline because these roles require special knowledge. So, a career in the trades can be a great choice if job security is important to you.
  • Do you want opportunity to travel?
    • Once you have acquired a specialized skill, the world is your oyster, and there is no limit to where it can take you! Whether it’s working locally at different sites or working in another country, there are likely plenty of opportunities waiting for you around the world.
  • Are you looking for a cost affective fast tracked education?
    •  On average, Trade schools tend to be cheaper than the average 4 year university. A huge benefit to going to school for a specialized skill is that more often than not students start earning money  
  • Are you creative or enjoy making things?
    • In the trades, it’s important to be able to help visualize ideas and create designs. These fields also require a lot of problem-solving and innovative thinking, so it’s all about thinking outside the box to bring those finished products to life.

What are you passionate about?

This is the most important thing to consider when figuring out what career path is best for you is what job will light a fire inside you. What job can you pursue that ignites your passion, and puts a smile on your face everyday.

If you have a passion for aviation, you could pursue a career as an airplane mechanic. If you are passionate about environmental issues, you might consider becoming a wind turbine technician. If you are interested in medicine, a career in machining to help manufacture medical equipment could be a great fit. And if you love NASCAR, there are opportunities to become a welder, machinist, or mechanic, and contribute to the production and assembly of NASCAR race cars. The list of options is endless, so we mean it when we say there truly is a job in the skilled trades for everyone.


When it comes to choosing a career path or thinking about switching to a different one, there are lots of things to think about. These could be your interests, skills, and basic things about a job like the hours you work, how much you get paid, the kind of place you work in, and the benefits you get. Take your time to explore the different industries, career options, and why working in different trades is cool! If you’re still not sure if working in the trades is right for you, or which trade is the best for you, take this fun assessment to help you figure out what you care about in a job and find the trade that suits you the most. 

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