In today’s fast-changing job scene, there is a growing need for skilled trade professionals worldwide. Unfortunately, a reason for the decline in skilled trade professionals is because there is a lack of education that informs our youth about the rewarding opportunities and abundant benefits that a skilled trade career can offer. Because of the current shortage of skilled trade professionals along with increasing demand for them, it is super important to educate and get our youth excited “non traditional” career paths, so we can fill the job gap and build a solid future. So, here are 5 Ways to Inspire Youth into Skilled Trade Careers!

1. Break down exisitng stereotypes

One of the main reasons why fewer people are choosing skilled trade careers is because of the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding them. Some of the biggest misconceptions about these careers are that they’re “dirty jobs,” that are low-paying, and unprofessional. But the truth is, while some skilled trade jobs may get messy, not all of them do. Plus, many trade careers not only pay well but also offer plenty of benefits. Since the trade industry is very hands-on, people often start making money earlier, because their training involved them going out and working in the field alongside seasoned professionals.

2. Teach youth about the industry at an earlier age

Encouraging kids to consider skilled trades as a career option from a young age is super important. Right now, students usually only hear about skilled trade careers in high school. Many kids dream of becoming doctors, lawyers, or police officers because those options are options taught to them at a very young age. So, why not get them excited about jobs like welding or machining too? Introducing these career paths by including them in educational events like career fairs can help inspire young people to explore different trades and teach them broader spectrum of careers options and the endless possibilities of their future.

3. Provide youth more oppritunities to gain hands-on experience

This is an idea that we have touched on the last couple of week, so if you havent already, make sure to check out some of our recent blog posts including Machining: Educate the Next Generation of Innovators and our most recent post about World Youth Skills Day

Not only could providing more opportunities to gain hands on experience in a variety of trades help our youth find career paths they are passionate about, but it could also help them develop a variety of generalized skills that could useful in all other aspects of life. If the youth can get more chances to learn hands-on and meet professionals, they can build the skills and confidence for their chosen trade. At Project MFG, we believe that teamwork makes the dream work meaning that it is super important for schools, industries, and government to team up and invest in the next generation of professionals. By investing in training programs and adding hands-on opportunities for electives like machining or welding in a student’s everyday education we could ignite a spark of interest and passion and inspiration to want to pursue it as a career path.

4. Teach youth about the bigger picture of the industry

Teaching our youth about skills like welding, machining, and metalworking is one thing, but helping them see the big picture of how these jobs affect our community and the world is another. A lot of people don’t realize it, but skilled trade workers are the backbone of our economy and society. They build the things we need every day, from our homes and roads to the power systems that keep everything running smoothly. They make sure we have clean water, reliable transportation, and safe buildings. Because of them, our communities are always growing and changing to meet our needs. Showing how important skilled trade jobs are can really teach our youth about meaning full wotk and inspire them to explore career options where they can make a big difference in their communities and the world around them.

5. Show Youth how skilled trades are actually cool!

We might be a bit biased, but the skilled trades industry is truly an awesome industry to be a part of. There are so many different types of jobs and opportunities in the field, that you’re sure to find something that matches your interests and skills. From creative independent roles to hands-on collaborative jobs. There are also options where you can be your own boss and choose your work schedule and even travel if thats something you desire. You could be a welder working for NASCAR, or even a machinist helping to manufacture a medical device for the next big thing in medicine— the possibilities are truly endless if you pursue a career in the skilled trades.

These are just 5 Ways to Inspire Youth into Skilled Trade Careers, but the reason are endless. Nothing’s more important than inspiring and uplifting our youth to chase their dreams and teach them that nothing is impossible. So, why not introduce them to the world of skilled trades and what this industry offers? By doing some of the stuff mentioned in this post, we can boost the image of manufacturing, speed up the training and education for manufacturing jobs, and overall improve the manufacturing industry.

One Response

  1. You are preaching to the choir! I agree 1000%. I started speaking about this topic 17 years ago, but most of what I said fell on the deaf years of my colleagues. In the end, I toom control of the situation and started teaching kids in my own shop. It is incredibly satisfying and the results have been more than positive. This is the best approach to minimizing the so-called skills gap. Congratulations on your hard work and effort to move the needle in the right direction – toward greater understanding of the skilled trades.

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